08 Settembre 2024

Symposium tours

Otter wildlife area
Saturday, October 21, 2023 - 7pm
Let's get to know the otters, guests of the Caramanico Terme wildlife area!

Evening guided tour for families in the Otter wildlife area in the Orfento Valley Visitor Center.
Discover the Otter Center in the Orfento Valley Visitor Center in Caramanico Terme.
The Orfento Valley from the Scalelle Trail
Sunday, October 22, 2023 - 10am
Hike to the fairy-tale places of the Maiella National Park

Scalelle Trail The Orfento Valley, in the heart of the Maiella National Park in Abruzzo, is a fairy-tale place shaped by the force of the river's water which, on the limestone rock, has created very high walls, caves, waterfalls and unique water features. A dense and very green riparian vegetation forms the backdrop, all just a few steps away from the village of Caramanico Terme.
The Hermitage of San Bartolomeo and the GiumentinaValley
Sunday, October 22, 2023 - 3pm
Historical-naturalistic hiking at sunset in the Maiella National Park

Abruzzo, a land of hermitages which find their highest concentration on the Maiella. That of San Bartolomeo, in the Maiella Park, is certainly one of the most fascinating in Abruzzo, camouflaged within a natural balcony in the valley by the same name. To reach it, during our hike we will start from the characteristic village of Decontra to cross the panoramic Giumentina Valley. It will be a journey through the millennial history of mankind.

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