14 Marzo 2025


The Organizing Committee invites wildlife veterinarians and scientists, who are interested in sharing their work with the participants of the Symposium, to submit their work in abstract form.
Please follow the instructions given below and make sure that each field in the abstract form has been completed.
Abstract submission deadline is Monday, August 25th 2023.
Submitted research abstracts can be considered for oral presentations in the Symposium and for poster presentations.
Oral presentations, on one of the main Symposium topics, are short 12-minute talks, followed by 3-minute questions and answers.
Posters will be organized by topic; opportunities for presenters to discuss their work with interested participants will be provided by designated poster sessions in the Symposium schedule. Final versions of accepted papers must be uploaded to the Symposium website for inclusion in the Symposium Proceedings.

1. Physical capture and handling of wildlife
2. Chemical immobilization protocols and practices
3. Integrated chemical and physical restraint
4. Innovative field anesthesia and clinical monitoring
5. Field emergencies and complications
6. Wildlife capture and animal welfare
7. International Humane Trapping Standards, welfare, and performance (i.e., efficiency and selectivity)
8. Wildlife capture as a tool for animal health surveillance and disease control
9. Capture as aversive conditioning for wildlife in human-dominated landscapes

Please try to fit your abstract into one of the specific topics. This will help us to prepare an interesting conference programme.
We will accept all well-written abstracts that have a general interest regarding the topic in question, the methodology, or the results. In particular, we welcome abstracts reporting on protocols and best practices, field emergencies, ethical or animal welfare issues, pilot data, or capture experiences in human/wildlife critical interface scenario.
The decision on acceptance and the preliminary programme will be made by the Organizing Committee.

Abstract Structure
Please note that the abstract needs to be structured, limited to 350 words, and include the following
- Background
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusion
1 Table or 1 image is allowed.

All the poster presenters, who received the acceptance email stating that “Your abstract has been accepted for a poster walk”, are kindly requested to upload the poster as PDF file (not as a PowerPoint file) with a maximum of 6Mb (requirements will be described in the acceptance email). Printed posters are not required. The poster walks will take place in the poster area. The *.ppt presentation is not necessary.

Realizzazione siti web www.sitoper.it